Tuesday, September 1, 2009


ESTHER – We are sad to report that Esther died today Aug 29. Her body was too weak to fight. She quickly deteriorated once she refused to eat or take dextrose. She was a pretty young lady who was very popular and was two months away from a college education. We had been told she had an enlarged heart and liver problems but there is no known cause of death at this point and may never be.

We rest in knowing God is in control despite our confusion. Thank you for being a part through prayer and support. A family, who had nowhere to turn experienced Christ's love and compassion,. We will travel tomorrow to settle all hospital expenses and transport Esther’s body to be buried. Pray for the family. Esther had given her life to Jesus Christ. We praise God that she now knows her complete healing in His presence!


CR (washroom) construction is ongoing. We returned for follow up visits to the areas that were supplied with toilets & ministered to the 40 people who accepted Christ during our second hike with Dave & Tami (Canadian friends.)Pray for these new believers, as well as success in combating the deadly Schistosomiasis disease now that their conditions are more sanitary. We serve a great God!!!

SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE training started Aug 27. TJ, Hope for the Island staff, is in the 4-month internship program at Aloha House on Palawan Island. He will be our local staff in charge & will be responsible to train other staff involved. Jeremiah (Hope Chapel Maui) is back with us at Hope for the Island after spending 7 weeks with us in 2008. His commitment this time around is 6 months & his focus is Agriculture! He will be a key figure in helping pioneer this project. After his 10 intensive training on Palawan Jeremiah & I will start scouting out potential land & formulating step-by-step plans based on info gathered from the training. We will soon be able to communicate a clear vision plan. Please be praying for us as we seek God’s direction & trust His provision. This farm has amazing potential to transform the health & well being of local indigent communities!

Adam (Hope Chapel Maui) is back with
us after arriving with a team of 5 on Aug 12. They spent 10 days serving alongside us in ministry, broke a sweat helping with some renovations around the property & poured into the lives of our staff. We are blessed to have Ellie (Adam’s girlfriend) as well as Jeremiah & Adam on an extended stay! For the next 3 weeks Ellie will be working on some projects with Jenn as well as doing Bible studies with the girls. She has a big heart & has connected so well with the girls already. Adam, previously here in 2008, is back with a long term vision to develop the Art program. He is partnering with Hope for the Island to train art students & build an
Art Gallery to display & sell their art. We are blessed by the passion he has for Jesus & for the kids that God has entrusted us with. This program has been operating since Oct 2008. It is providing the only outlet for expression & creativity in visual arts on our island. By having a platform to express their culture & emotions, self esteem & confidence grow. A culture that often remains hidden from those travelling through the islands will be revealed. This program will provide a product that is marketable to tourists. Stimulating student creativity through the arts will further impact their academic skills. The icing on the cake is that this program has great potential to help create income generating livelihood for many families.

SURFERS DISCIPLESHIP grows & there are a number of them that are really taking a stand in their faith! It is awesome to see guys rise up, especially in communities where men fail to fulfill their God given responsibilities. These surfers are using their influence to make an impact. The past month they have been volunteering in our Children’s outreaches & taking initiative to encourage the younger ones in their faith. As they come to know God deeper they are sharing these truths with others. Last week I had the privilege along with friend Kyle (Maui team) of baptizing 4 surfers. Continue to keep them in prayer as they declare before others that they belong to Jesus!

Derek baptizes surfers who declare their faith in Jesus Christ
Prayer for boldness in their faith
Discipleship for surfers with the Maui Team

Derek & Jenn report::

We have moved into our house & we find ourselves very thankful for some new experiences:

-We can sit on a toilet seat (squat toilets everywhere we go).

-We don’t have to venture outside in the dark in the middle of the night to use a pee bucket

-We have a ceiling preventing lizards & rats from falling on us while we sleep; previously we had no ceiling & were exposed to critters running through the rafters day & night. It keeps us cooler in the heat of the day & is quieter than our previous tin roof during torrential rains.

-We have a fridge that keeps the contents cold & protected from ants & rodents.

-We now have a shower instead of pouring a cold bucket of water over our head.

-We have our own bedroom separate from each of the children’s room.

-We eat meals as a family- breakfast & supper.

-We now have most of our evenings to spend as a family. There is already a noticeable, positive impact on our children & marriage.

Praise our God, we are so THANKFUL!!!! Derek & Jenn, Makana & Brison

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