Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Hope for the Island September 2009


Jeremiah is back from the Sustainable Agriculture training in Palawan. He hit the ground running and is working hard to implement all that he learned. TJ will stay on at Aloha house as an intern until Christmas.

Natural farming is a very new concept on Siargao Island. Our organic farm will be one of a kind. There will be no pesticides or chemical fertilizers used. EM (Effective Microorganisms) technology is tested and proven to be environmentally safe and very effective. Hope for the Island will be using the EM technology as a way to create healthier soil, disease resistant plants and nutrient dense food at a fraction of the cost of traditional farming methods. We are excited about the potential this farm will have in supplying local markets with good produce that indigent people can afford and to train local farmers who struggle to stay afloat with the increased costs of harmful chemicals.

Phase 1

(Our current status)

Hope for the Island staff internship

August-Dec 2009

Jeremiah implements training (preparation of compost, potting soil, potting plants)

Organize supplies & equipment available on Siargao Island

*SCOUT FARM LAND ( Starting Sept 19th)

Phase 2

(next step once land is purchased)

Land layout & application for permits

Install fence boundary

Land clearing, tilling, first planting with already prepared compost / potted soil

Dig deep well

Construction of staff housing, toilet, storage shed & greenhouse

Greenhouse and potted plants at Aloha House on



Kitchen Waste & Bokashi (anaerobic compost)

Carbonized Rice Hull, Manure & Sawdust

Please join us in prayer as we seek God’s direction

and provision along the way!

Projected Costs & further details for Sustainable Agriculture on our website

Projects/Ministry needs - Sustainable


Jomelyn ( Let ) shares from her heart about the Preschool

Our pre- school HIFLC has been known on Siargao Island as a school that subsidizes tuition fees for all & yet we don’t compromise the quality of education

we offer students. This is a place of safety & security for our students where they get equal & fair treatment. Whether they are privileged or underprivileged we see each of them as a gift of God which we can nurture, develop & help increase. Challenging as it may seem, all our labours pay off when we hear them read their first word… see the change in their character & even hear other people witness the big difference from the rest of the other kids.

Princess Jean Celeste & Raexanne Hermoine Pomoy are Kinder 2 students we have from the school year 2008- 2009. We have seen the great potential that they have. We have tried to involve their parents in rearing & educating them. Both of them are now in Grade 1 in a prime school in the city. They have been selected as students to take the SPED screening—Special Education for Special Students. This is a selection of top students in the entire province of Surigao. The screening consists of a series of interviews, reading & written tests. These two students have qualified from among 40 students in Surigao. Im

agine our joy! We bring back to the Lord all praise, for we know it was HIM who has blessed these kids’ time with us in our small school.

But sad to say as much as we have these kinds of success stories, we also have children who are facing so many challenges in life even at their early age. We have one good student whom we have seen so much potential in, but also so exposed to the poverty of life. We are seeing her slowly declining from the being number one to now being in a critical situation. Her father is working in the farm trying to earn a living. She has a younger sibling who is less than a year old. The mother is starting to neglect her because of an addiction to gambling & so this poor child is being left on her own to fend for herself & make sure assignments have been done.

We also have a student

who also has been with us for 3 years now. She has a single parent mom. She was left in the care of the grandparents who are working, but also are known to be gamblers. At an early age of 4 years she has learned how to prepare her assignment, bathe herself & find a way to have a snack for school, but more often than not she doesn’t have one. She is now 6 years old & very mature for her age.

With all these different students we have different backgrounds, personalities & challenges. Every day it has been our teacher’s prayer before the class starts that the Lord will use us as a channel of His love & hope for these young souls. We want to be who these children need in their lives. A simple hug, a small gesture that shows you care for this little one & appreciate them. They return all this to us with a smile, embrace and a kiss… our heart melts. We definitely know that our Heavenly Father feels for them, He cares for them, He loves them. It is our never ending prayer that we become God loves arms towards these

kids. We have the desire to capture this place, this entire province for Jesus. He on the other hand entrusted to us the young ones to develop & nurture in HIS ways… so that when they are old these children will not depart from it & they will be the ones who will minister to their own place & people. We continually pray that through our small school, these children will find their hope in Christ, that they will see themselves as somebody special who can be somebody- there is more in store for them because Jesus promised to give them life & life abundantly.

Watch Derek on IT"S A NEW DAY



Because of the generosity of a friend Derek, Jenn, Makana & Brison will be in Canada for Christmas 2009. This will be the first time in 10 years that we will all be together as a family for Christmas. They will spend time in Ontario with Jenn’s family and then be in Winnipeg two weeks. We are all looking forward to some quality family time. Unlike other visits Derek will not be accepting speaking engagements due to the limited time period they are with us. Thank you God for this incredible blessing!!!!

NEW to our Website: Testimonial Page

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