Saturday, August 15, 2009

Hope for the Island

August 2009

We are so thankful when friends visit Hope for the Island. Long time friends Dave & Tami Cheetham share about their trip to the Philippines. - Derek & Jenn

From David

I'm trying to remember all the days and events from the last 18-19 days and the thoughts come rushing back. I'm not sure if even writing them down can describe it all in words. In coming to Hope last year by myself, as my wife Tami couldn't make it out at the time, God really showed me what people's hearts can be like with HIS love. That love carried on with me back home to Canada and blossomed in my marriage with Tami. I knew we both had to come back to Hope soon. So here we are now in Manila on the way back home.
It was wonderful to see the staff again with hugs and smiles all around, including new staff T.J. and Kenneth. Getting to work beside them painting the office and setting up the furniture was great times in fellowship while listening to songs. T.J. and Kenneth, thank you so much for sharing your personal stories and allowing me
to enter into your lives as a brother in Christ. May God bless you in continued strength physically and spiritually.

Tami and I spent one day walking through fields and jungle to 3 small villages to help Derek give these villagers the gift of a CR or washroom. People were so thankful to get a toilet; they served us all a feast of food for helping them. They realise the fact that keeping water areas safe will help them in slowing the spread of disease. The kids always welcomed us with smiles and laughter. Anyone who has come here knows what I'm talking about. Tami and I split up with the staff to do Children's ministry. We helped with songs and stories and made balloon swords. Each time we went out with the kids we knew it would be harder and harder to leave them. There is so much to say about the experiences and how God is working out here in the people's lives. With that, there come challenges as well for these adults and children. The island is being developed fast with more and more advertising. I hope that after reading this newsletter you would pray for Siargao Island and the government to be wise in decisions that would benefit all involved. (Save the surf!!)
Thank you Hope staff for all your hard work, prayers, preparing foods, Children's ministry, and Youth activities... your hearts. You are so giving and Tami and I really felt like family with you all. God bless you in wisdom and strength. Miss you all!!Derek and Jenn, thank you so much for everything. I was honoured to have you baptize me in re-dedication to the family in Christ. See you all again soon.

From Tami
I'm so very blessed to be able to make this journey with Dave. Even though he came last year, there was something different and so very special to be able to do this together. Derek & Jenn have been our good friends for so many years and have been shall we say “encouraging" us to come down together for years now.
We finally arrived after 40 long hours of traveling (with layovers). As we walked off the plane, it was like hitting a wall of heat and tropical humidity. Talk about gorgeous lush green palm trees and a beautiful view everywhere you looked, and boy were we spoiled!!! Derek picked us up in the Hope for the Island new vehicle (what an amazing blessing from God!) We got to ride in comfortable AIR-CON for our long drive about roughing it
The first few days we arrived, we were adjusting to the time change and it took a while for it to settle in that we were actually here!! All the newsletters I'd read, pictures I'd seen, stories I'd heard and now I was finally here!! Jenn and I kept saying to each other, " Are you really here?!?"
We tried to dive into things as best we could. We knew we were only here for a short period of time so we wanted to experience as much as we could. All the staff was so amazing at making us feel welcome and helping us learn the ropes. There is always something to be done and they're always willing to help you to fit in, in any way you can.

It was an experience for me to travel with the girls to different ministries and be brought out of my comfort zone to grow in the gifts that God has given me. If you ever get a chance to come and visit, you'll understand what I mean when you hear the common saying "You will be the one" to pray, speak or just get in there somehow!!
I'll briefly share a story that is close to my heart. A few days after my arrival at Hope, Dinah took me on one of her follow-up visits. We visited a woman named Nanay Tasha. She is a widow in her mind 70's living on her own with no children. In fact when the Kilcona team from Winnipeg came last year they built a house for her. It was such a pleasure to see how happy and grateful she was living there, but what a difference from what I'm used to. Such simple living. A tiny little one room hut with a kitchen, cooking, sleeping and living area all in one approx. 10 x 15 foot room. We were there to visit with her, bring her food and clean her hut.
We started cleaning. Dinah was the one to wash the dishes and I was the one to wash and scrub down her kitchen area. At first, I remember thinking, Yikes.... this is so dirty and I don't know what I'm touching. Then I prayed and ask the Lord to take those feelings away so that I could serve and bless this woman, and that's exactly what He did!! I just got right in there.

Dinah was cleaning her dishes which only consisted of a few plates and glasses, a fork, a spoon and some containers. As she grabbed for one container, I thought she was looking for a place to dump what ever was in it. It looked like food scraps to me, squished together in a jar, so I said ignorantly, 'Maybe the pigs will eat it".

Dinah just looked at me and said "No Tami, this is HER food". I was mortified and embarrassed that I didn't realize this because I'm so used to our North American way of living. When I asked Dinah to show me, I saw it was some kind of pork that she had received from a friend. It was a special treat to her. When I looked at it, I said "But look, there's mould on some of it.” Dinah assured me not to worry because she cooks it really well before she eats it.

I could literally feel the tears welling up in my eyes. The fact that someone could even live like this was way beyond my comprehension. We went to get her fresh water which by the way was a good 5 min. walk away. We filled up 4 small containers for her. It took both of us to go get these jars filled and they were not light. This woman does this by her self a few times a week. I couldn't believe it!

from the Hope Family

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