Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Harvest Team

From Pastor Duane
I lay awake on my bed listening to the roar of the ocean. Wave after wave crashes onto the sandy beach just outside the window of our cabin. I was so tired but it was as if God was saying with each thunderous roar of the waves – I have brought you and your team to this place to roar against injustice.
It was clear that the Father’s desire was to bring wave after wave of His love.
Those thoughts turned to prayers as I realized the magnitude of the assignment that lay before me. Yes, this was my first night on Siargao Island at Hope For The Island!! I was so blessed to meet Derek and Jenn about 2 years ago. I was captured with their hearts desire to see the gospel spill forth with power into the remote areas of the Philippines. Having pastored in Winnipeg’s Northwest community for 6 years now, I have seen God place a deeper desire in my heart for the Filipino community, so when the opportunity arose to take a team it was an easy choice. We spent 6 months planning and preparing for this trip and saw God perform many miracles along the way but now that I am here, I’m not so sure there is much outside of prayer that can prepare you for a mission like this.
Let me give you an idea of what I have experienced thus far as I write this letter while still here at HIF.
22 people are saved
Gospel was preached
The seed was planted
Let’s pray for The Harvest

Canadian Director’s Note:
Pastor Duane Siemens is the Senior Pastor at Harvest Family Church. He and a team of 7 people from the church have been ministering to the HIF staff and to people on Siargao Island in the Philippines. The church is located in the Lincoln Motor Hotel 1030 McPhillips Street Winnipeg, Manitoba

People – Amazing hearts!!

The staff works tirelessly to bring hope and healing to the people on this Island. Their hearts are so full of God’s love and everything they do is centered around producing a Jesus culture of healing and salvation! Our team has been able to assist them in a number of youth and children’s outreaches along with 3 medical missions where we took medicinal supplies, food, and hope to such desperate people. The people on the Island teach you somuch about contentment. They are filled with joy in the midst of such distress. The needs of the people are beyond great…
And yet God through us is bringing Hope to the sland!!
Poverty...It seems to know no end. We visited the homes of children who have eaten Styrofoam and sand to fill their empty stomachs. Often there is no clean water, no nutritious food. Houses are falling apart under the
elements of the extreme heat and fierce rains. The poverty among the people is beyond great… And yet God through us is bringing Hope to the Island.
Prayer & Power – It is simply coming into agreement with what Jesus has said and what Jesus has done. The power of God’s love and healing presence is being released as we call upon the name of the Lord. We have seen 22 people come to know Jesus along with numerous healings. A man was instantly healed of a fractured rib. A lady came in very ill from an accident but got up and walked away after we prayed for her. She didn’t even stay to see the doctor!!
Another case saw a young mother who has been bound to a wheelchair take a few steps as we
prayed and released the presence of Jesus! I am seeing firsthand how your prayers are making a huge difference!!

Oh yes the bondage among the people is great…
And yet God through us is bringing Hope to the Island.
People, prayer, and power surround poverty and overcome it as we Hope in God. Hope is defined as the joyful expectation of the goodness of God. 1 John 1:5 says that God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all. I believe that Hope dispels darkness in Jesus name! Acts 10:38 says - How God anointed Jesus with the Holy Spirit and power; who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed of the devil for God was with Him. I have felt so overwhelmed at times with the needs that surround us here on this Island, but I am all the more overwhelmed when I think of all those like you and I that in some way are being used of God to bring His provision and power!
I’ve come to this conclusion in my life. We can’t do everything, but we can do something. Doing nothing is unacceptable. Thanks for allowing me to share a little of God’s heart for this Island. I have to go now. I hear the waves beating against the shore. I only have 3 more days here on the Island. There is a little more injustice to roar against through the waves of God’s amazing

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