Sunday, March 8, 2009

March News

We started this year with a renewed commitment to go to a new level in our ministry with the youth. We are focused on being actively involved in all aspects of their lives. Our leaders are finding fresh joy by connecting with youth during the week not only during the scheduled programs. Through this approach God is bringing depth to our relationships and allowing us to influence a generation in desperate need of role models. The group that I disciple is the local surfers. This is a group of 19 guys and 1 girl between the ages of 15-24 yrs. All but two have accepted Christ and have a have a genuine desire to grow. This is rare to find here since most that commit to our discipleship groups our females. They tend to be more mature and willing to take a stand in their faith. The surfer group is unique because they have taken a stand for the Lord and have influence in the community because they surf. When I attended a national surf contest with my group the team name they picked was ‘surfers for Jesus’. It was great to see them make that public declaration in front of hundreds of other Filipino surfers, many of which are entangled in the party lifestyle that comes with surf culture. Five weeks ago we began going through the starting blocks in the Awana Junior Varsity series. It is a 38 week series. Please keep in prayer this group and the other three groups that meet with our staff each week.

God has also placed an urgency in our hearts to invest more of our time and resources to secure a future for the children of this island. Each week we find the children hungry in every way. They hunger for love, affirmation, food and God’s word. The active youth in our discipleship classes have been a great help in assisting with our outreaches, especially that the number of kids that attend grow from week to week. Our goal has always been to train up locals who would in turn reach out to their own community. That vision is being fulfilled!
The Children’s Ministry has recently added a program we call “Books of Hope”. Through the blessing of donated books our library is bursting with excellent books for kids. Once a month we bring boxes of books to each place we hold children’s ministry and let the kids explore literature. It is so exciting to watch kids who have never seen a colorful children’s book open it with eyes wide open and a smiles on their face. Kids are coming to the Children’s programs rain or shine, ever since we started books of hope, the attendance in all the places has increased dramatically.
Please continue to pray for the potential opportunity Hope for the Island has to partner with Compassion Philippines. It is our prayer that we can minister more effectively to the pressing needs of children who suffer. Last week we submitted all the necessary requirements and wait to hear if we are approved. Whether it’s through this partnership or another avenue we believe God will allow us to penetrate deeper into communities to nurture, love and bless children in need.

God brought us to an area called Barangay Esperenza for a medical outreach back in Oct 08. It was there that we met a girl 13 years old named leleth and have been involved in her life since that time. As she made her way towards us it was evident that she had a severe deformity because of the way she was hunched over and limped. The hump on her spine had us assuming she had spinal bedifida. Pain and fear filled her eyes. She came on her own because she said her parents left her. Though she lived with her grandmother, local health workers said she was a neglected child.
We didn’t know what was going on inside her body, but after talking for a while with her she told us she had a wound for many years. She lifted up her shirt and ever so shyly revealed the worst open wound we had ever seen. It was oozing with blood and puss and had a very foul odor. The wound started under her ribs and went all the way down to her genitilia. Dinah spent a great amount of time cleaning it, all the while trying to comfort and affirm her. We prayed for her and expressed to her that despite her suffering God had a plan for her life. We gave her some small gifts we had on hand and a small smile broke through. We looked at each other amazed at how beautiful she was. Before she left we promised her that we would come back soon to visit her. As the day went on each one of our staff could not get Letleth out of their mind.
Upon returning visit the wound had dried up considerably and she was more mobile. She was thrilled we came back as promised. As we continued to do follow ups in that area, we got to know her and her history better. Her mother and father left her at a young age with her grandma. At the age of 3 yrs Leleth had a serious fall. The grandma never took her to a doctor but started noticing her spinal area becoming deformed. She also noticed her developing the wound because of her hunched posture, but had no money to take her to a doctor. This is a common problem. When health issues arise there is no savings at all to tap into to get medical help. That combined with neglect and indifference on the part of many parents, leaves children without hope and many times left to die from treatable ailments. In Leleth’s case she had painfully suffered for 10 years.
We brought leleth to Surigao City for a complete check up. She was so excited and touched that someone was concerned for her. Her eyes were alive with hope. At last she would understand the cause of her pain and what if anything could be done to be free from it. Though apprehensive at first, she quickly warmed to Dinah.
The diagnosis and X-ray revealed Tuberculosis of the spine, otherwise known as TOTTS disease. If treated 8 years ago, Leleth would not have been so deformed. Leleth however was so happy to know her true condition and that there was treatment available in Surigao! The doctors are optimistic for a full recovery. The greatest part of this story is that Leleth joyfully accepted Jesus into her heart with Dinah while waiting to buy her medicine!! She fully understands what Jesus did for her on the cross. It is obvious that she now breaths a new life.

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