Thursday, April 30, 2009


Well it has almost been a month now. We were a team of 8 from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada and now there are two of us. Shannon has stayed on with me here. The pace slowed down for 10 days after the team travelled back to Canada. The staff took a well deserved break. Some went to visit family and others chose to stay here and rest. (April & May).

What a joy it was to have others experience and catch the vision at HIF with me. I saw our young people interact and extend themselves, I saw Pastor Duane love on the staff and pour into them. I saw my friend Tim who said he doesn’t know how he could help and that he is not good with children, keep the children squealing with joy as he let God challenge him. I saw Natasha become a part of the island not just visit it, she adapted so well and in her words” was not ready to leave”. I saw Braden, Jelani and Fiona make lasting friendships with other youth and staff, I saw them go beyond their years in serving others by cleaning wounds, praying for healing, stopping to love whoever came in their path and being out of their comfort zone with food, climate and other third world conditions. Never during the time this team was here did I hear a complaint or negative comment about what was asked of them. Praise God, you have made a difference.

Shannon a part of the Harvest Team who has stayed on with me until May 12 has being teaching art classes, her radiant smile and love for her art and children is a good mix. Most of her students have been in classes before. Her new style has brought a fresh twist. My grandchildren Brison and Makana have requested private lessons and are blossoming under her teaching. Brison has shown a style that is strong and beyond his years.

My stay here has been so different this time. I was part of the team as

We ministered through medical clinics and other ministry events. Since I have not been spending as much time in ministry events but have been spending more time assisting with administration and helping to capture the vision that HIF has for the future. Derek & I have been working on reports and planning for the ministry to reach the next level.

I have noticed a number of changes on the island from last year. More foreigners have had an impact on the innocence of this place. More exposure brings more money to the island but some influences have changed the virgin state of this island.

Hope for the Island has become a very busy place this past year as teams and individuals hear about the ministry and come to see it for themselves. Teams from Canada, USA, Australia and the Philippines have come to minister alongside the staff. God has given us influence and favor and we want to honor and uphold the incredible responsibility that comes with that.

Some things remain the same I am sorry to say. Death and disease continue to ravage families. There were 4 deaths last week. It was not the elderly but a 16, 34, 40 and 50 year old. As usual the cause of death for all except one was unknown and will remain that way. Death has become an accepted part of life here and will continue to be so as poverty and the devastation it brings prevents most from seeking medical attention. Jenn found the rainy season to be especially hard this year, she felt she was at her threshold many times as the baby deaths continued to climb. I praise God for the divine protection and wisdom that God gives to this ministry. I watch as everyday life for my grandchildren involves Derek killing a scorpion in the room that they sleep in each night and hear of a poisonous snake that was found on the property.

The school year at Hope for the Island has ended and will resume in June.

One little 6 year old boy named Marc graduated with honors from the Hope for the Island Foundational Learning Centre. I was at his birthday celebration this past week and heard his story. He is an incredibly disciplined young man who loves God and is being raised by his elderly grandparents. They are dedicated to seeing him get a first class Christian education. As the school year progressed Marc would cry out to God each night asking for the wisdom he needed to be an honor student. I heard this little guy pray

a prayer of thanksgiving at his birthday that was absolutely incredible and wellbeyond his years. He mentioned his beloved grandparents and thanked them for teaching him to love God. I believe he will be a great man of God that can change and have influence on this island.With the school year ending staff will now focus on connecting with the Youth to deepen the relationships that have been built during discipleship times. A joint fellowship time for them is being planned and will see over 80 young people ministered to.


Pray for our time with the Surfing the Nations Mission Team from

Honolulu. They will be assisting us with children and youth programs this


Pray for our time with 3 visitors from Canada and 5 from Cebu City,

Philippines on April 29 to May 14. During that time we will be conducting Daily Vacation Bible Study for over 100 kids in the village of Pacifico where we are pioneering new outreaches. They will also be involved in many of our weekly youth programs.

Pray for the Christian Surfers International team from Australia. They are preparing for a mission trip to Hope for the Island on June 21 – July 4. They are planning on expanding the youth sports programs by teaching surfing and skateboarding to local youth. They plan to build a half pipe! It will be a huge hit and a great way to draw in more youth who need the Lord. There is also a nurse on the team who will help serve people who attend the Medical Mission Clinic.

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