Thursday, December 9, 2010

May 2010

Hope for the Island
May 2010 Update
Thank you very much for your patience during periods of time when our website was not operational. We are still making adjustments & updating pictures on the new site. As is common here, we will still have intermittent power failures that affect our communication with you.
TeeJay- HOPE staff spent a week at Jamayoan overseeing projects as we move forward with the Organic Farm. He looks forward to soon being there full time. He has a passion for this ministry & tears of joy well up in his eyes when he speaks of it. We are so grateful to God for His provision!!! The plans shown will be completed as funds come in. Our website page shows a concise list & includes those areas that have been funded & are finished. We will move ahead with projects & completion of the buildings & water tower/storage area as God provides in His time.
Please see our website Organic Farm/Proposed Mission Compound for complete details.

Estimated Start up Costs in Canadian Dollars (in order of priority)
1. Farm Land – $15,000- (Paid in full!!!)
2. Transfer taxes , fees & survey – revised - $1,175 (Paid)
3. Perimeter fence & storage shed –revised - $1,400 (Paid & finished)
4. Deep water well (material & labor) –revised- $1,800 (Paid & finished)
5. 900 meter electrical service wire & meter - $2,000
6. Overhead water tank with shed - $5,000
7. Mission Compound (housing, office, dry & cold storage) - $40,000
8. Farming equipment (including seed & supply) - $9,000
9. Greenhouse – $1,800
Two young surfers have given their lives to Jesus Christ. These young men have been regulars at the Friday night Youth gatherings where they had heard the gospel before. Kenneth (HOPE) staff had recently spent some time with them sharing his own personal testimony of how God had worked in his life & what Jesus Christ was continuing to do in his heart. When Derek presented the good news of Christ they responded with their hearts & gave their lives to Christ. Pray for them as they stand for what they believe with fellow surfers & family.

We want to praise God that the national election is behind us & was without violence (at least in our area). There is a new mayor in our nearby village & we pray for wisdom & guidance for this man. We look forward to a favorable relationship with him. He has expressed his desire to help us & support the ministry that we have had on this Island for 10yrs. God’s favor will go before us as we faithfully serve Him. The following is a reflection from the Harvest Team from Winnipeg that visited HOPE recently:
I’ve always loved those sequel type movies. You know the ones where someone returns more powerful or more determined to bring about transformation. I’ve never been as unsure as to who is really being transformed more. That’s how I felt after returning from my second trip to Hope for the Island. To say this trip was amazing would be an understatement. Myself & 9 others from Harvest family Church in Winnipeg embarked on a journey of hope! Siargao Island is absolutely picturesque. In the midst of the poverty, the coconut trees stand tall with dignity & the ocean roars lullabies as it rolls on & off the seashore. Among everyone, there was unity & total cooperation in the midst of power outages, unsanitary conditions, tiredness etc. It was beautiful to see how everyone dug deep when circumstances got tough & went the extra mile to cooperate & show mutual respect. We truly had each other’s backs when the going got tough but more importantly we had & held each other’s hearts. The connection between the Harvest team & the Hope staff was great! We instantly fell in love with them & loved spending time with them. They are a true blessing. We appreciate who they ARE & what they DO. They are a perfect picture of a servant heart, which is worth so much in the Kingdom of God. Every team member has a deep appreciation for Derek, Jenn & their family. Hearing of their journey, how their lives &“Hope for the Island” are solely built & run on faith in God is amazing & inspiring. We are honored to know them & be a part of their lives. They are true ambassadors for the Kingdom of God to a people, island & nation. We bless & release them to every assignment they set out to do for Jesus. May their house, farm land, family & staff be blessed & protected in Jesus’ name. The Filipino people in general are lovely. It’s impossible not to fall instantly in love with them. They are so very unique, distinct, precious, humble, gracious & so very beautiful. The children are breathtaking. To see their smiles & hear their laughter, despite their dire circumstances is angelic. You almost forget where you are when you look into their big, beautiful brown eyes & hear their delicate voices. They are truly captivating. The youth of the island have an energy & life to them that I pray never dies. They represent the future generation of “hope” for the island. They have dreams & aspirations that are engraved into their hearts by God their creator & it is His will that they fulfill them. I pray that they do. I believe we’ve all developed a deeper compassion for the hurting, broken, sick, homeless & destitute. The crushing weight of need & bondage that affects so many is deeply moving. But these are a determined & strong people & with Jesus I believe many will rise above the circumstances & move into what God, the author of their lives has for them. Hope for the Island is not just a place that brings hope…they are hope Psalm 71:14 (KJV) But I will hope continually, and will yet praise thee more and more.
Pastor Duane Siemens for Harvest Team

Hope for the Island
Canadian non-profit corporation.
We appreciate your financial & prayer support
Financial contributions receipted Donations
Cheque or money order payable to
Hope for the Island Ministries
94 James Carleton Drive
Winnipeg, Mb R2P 0T4

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