Thursday, December 9, 2010

JUNE 2010

Hope for the Island (HOPE)
June 2010 Update

NOTE: It has brought to our attention that some of you have not been receiving the emails regarding Brison & our answers to prayer. It is difficult to determine which people did not get the updates so please contact us if you have any questions. Once again we want to thank each of you for taking the time to pray for Brison. Your encouraging emails filled our spirits during this challenging time for our family. With each passing day we watch Brison gain strength and weight. Beyond the weight he lost it is hard to believe that only a few days ago his condition was so fragile. Please continue to pray for his immune system to be built up and for protection from further sickness at this time. After the final check up visit for Brison our family flew to Manila at the request of Immigration. Most of you are aware that our family has prayerfully anticipated breakthrough with our visa applications. There has been no lack of trials and deception in securing the visas needed for our family to continue serving long term in the Philippines. On Friday we praised our God when government officials finally handed us our visas!!!! We thank God for His favor and for sustaining us during this 2 year ordeal. Our time in Manila also gave us he opportunity to say good bye to Dave & Tami as well as my Mother (Derek's mother) Dave & Tami have been a part of HOPE right from the beginning when our family was first stepping out in faith in the ministry here in the Philippines. It was a joy for us to have them work alongside our staff and experience the joy of seeing the fruit from 10 years of ministry. Thank you to them
both for sacrificing so much to be able to serve here for the past 5 months. We will keep you in our prayers as you continue to walk out your venture of faith with God back in Canada. Our family time with Mom was also a blessing especially since my Grandmother passed away just before Mom left Canada. She and Dad came with the Harvest team and Mom extended her stay with us.

We fly back to Siargao Island on Monday. Our summer schedule comes to a close and we transition back into a new school year. Makana & Brison (8yrs & 6yrs) will be home schooled by Jenn. Makana is now in Grade 3 and Brison is in Grade 1.

Hope for the Island (HOPE) preschool classes resume June 14th. God has blessed us with 41 students this year. The end of June we will also be starting an after school program for all former graduates of our school. This will give us the opportunity to keep relationship with these students and their family. Our goal is to further disciple the students we have invested in since they started school at HOPE. These are children who will now move on to the public school system.

During recent weekly follow up visits a young man gave his life to Jesus Christ!! He prayed as his family looked on while he made this life changing decision. Time is spent each week connecting with the youth one on one. This is evidence of the fruit that comes from making each person a priority and taking the time to invest in individuals that attend group events. HOPE staff prayerfully visit the local village and seek out opportunities to develop deeper relationships with the young people. Pray for strength and wisdom as the staff adds to their already busy schedules.

You can now donate on the Website Email
Hope for the Island
A Canadian non profit corporation
Financial contributions receipted
Cheque or money order payable to
Hope for the Island Ministries
94 James Carleton Drive
Winnipeg, Mb R2P 0T4
1 204 694 6998

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