Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Australian Team News
Mission trip to Hope for the Island
June 23-July 4/09

Gold Coast Christian Surfers - Australia
Written by Team Leader: Steph Van de Kemp

No matter how many documentaries you watch on Third World poverty, you can’t really prepare yourself for the experience of actually visiting a place like this. There’s just something that gets lost between here and your comfy TV room. I’m not sure what that is…the smells, the sounds, the energy. It’s hard to say. I guess the point is, when you come here, you feel this place. You feel the hope that this ministry brings to the people. Many live in desperation. You can see that. Hunger, sickness, abuse – all these things exist. Yet in the midst of it, Hope for the Island reaches out, showing God’s love in practical ways. With so many stories to share, I’m sitting here, trying to figure out where to start. I think I’ll just tell one story, and hopefully it paints a picture of the amazing things that go on here.

A Symbol of Hope

Jesus reached out to the poor. In fact, He showed amazing love to those who were suffering. He showed His love by addressing practical needs – providing food, teaching, healing, and praying. The staff at Hope for the Island is following the lead of the best leader who ever lived. And the results can be seen in the eyes of the local people. It’s one of those things that get lost between here and your comfy TV room. I think its hope…and I think it’s spreading.

It’s our eleventh day at Hope for the Island. We’re loading the truck with medical supplies preparing for the bumpy one hour journey to San Benito. It’s a small village, with huge need. When we arrive the people are waiting for us. Many line up to receive medical attention. The health issues are a result of many factors, primarily a lack of nutritious food and inadequate hygiene. It’s heartbreaking to see all the babies suffering with scabies. They are so thin and pale. We play with the kids and spend time talking and praying with the adults. We give toothpaste and clothing and shoes. With only ten pairs of shoes to give out, the scene quickly turns into something like a mosh pit at an AC/DC concert. Those who manage to get a pair are so happy. I feel ashamed when I think of all the shoes I have at home.

The most beautiful thing happened while we were driving away. There was a boy there with clubfoot and I’m not sure why, but he’s crying. His mother is trying to comfort him. One of the staff at Hope for the Island had saved the best pair of shoes for this little guy. She calls out to him and hands him the shoes. Everyone is watching. The look on his face…it’s like he’s the most special person in the whole world. I play the scene over in my head and it brings tears every time. In the midst of all the suffering, Hope for the Island reached out and touched the one who was hurting most. This boy will have a difficult life, growing up in poverty with the added challenge of a physical disability. He will remember this moment forever. And when life becomes really hard, this memory will bring him the hope he needs to endure.

I’m thankful to God for the time we’ve had here. Working with the youth to build a skateboard ramp, surfing, playing games with the local kids and having a chance to help people with their needs – it’s been an amazing time for us.

Gold Coast Christian Surfers - AustraliaTeam Leader: Steph Van de Kemp

God answered a big prayer last week when the school textbooks

that the parents had to buy were given a 50% discount by the distributor!! With most of the families being indigent this brought a lot of relief. Our teachers are happy to be at a good pace in the classes after enduring a challenging first month helping our nursery students adjust. Also keep in prayer our discipleship classes. Each week we pour into the lives of the youth. They are really starting to grasp and apply much of what they have learned over the last year. I am especially thankful for the growth I see in my surfer group. They are very hungry for the Lord. They are taking the initiative by volunteering to help reach out to the children in the community with our staff. It is always exciting for me to hear them explain how God’s word is coming alive to them. What they learn they are encouraging the younger ones with as well. Having young men on fire for God is a very new thing for us to see in the island. Pray that God will spread the fire and rise up leaders within their ranks!
Stay tuned for some other big answers to prayer in our next update that will be sent out in a couple of weeks. We serve a faithful God who is working in our midst!!!
Hope for the Island

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