Saturday, May 23, 2009

Danny Prayer Update

RE: Danny Prayer Request

Danny arrived in Surigao City to be diagnosed and treated for what we believed was Schistosomiasis. Since then we had a report from Let (HIF staff) who consulted with the doctors.

Danny was originally treated for this parasite at the age of 14. He never did go back for follow up as directed. We are left to guess as to why someone would not seek help that would save their life. The parasite from Schistosomiasis continued to ravage his body.

On Monday when he arrived at the hospital, he was admitted. Tuesday they did sputum and blood tests as well as a stool examination and ultra sound.

One of the complications resulting from his second degree Schistosomiasis is liver cirrhosis. His body is retaining a large volume of fluid. He also has infections throughout his body. His blood platelet count is low similar to that of Leukemia.

The doctor has planned an ultrasound, ECG, and X-ray. Before these are done the fluid will need to be drained so they can get a better view of the liver and other organs. As this is being reported we have heard that his heart is laboring and all procedures will need to be postponed for a day or so.

Needless to say from a worldly perspective his diagnosis is grave. Our God is in control and can do all things!!! Our desire is to see this young man as comfortable as possible; he is currently receiving pain medication. We continue to trust a sovereign God who can heal Danny just as he did with Mark Anthony.

The tests and medications that have been administered to this point have totaled 5,000 pesos or approximately $150 Canadian dollars.

We will update if there are any changes in Danny’s condition. Thank you for joining us in prayer!

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