Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Dinah's Report

Medical Mission team reports from HIF staff leader Dinah Espanto;

LOCATION: Ezperanza, Del Carmen

We always see it as a privilege when God sends us souls to minister to. Over seventy villagers came to us during this clinic. We prayed and counselled, dispensed medicines and dressed wounds, cleaned skin diseases and gave out vitamins to children 2 yrs and under. We taught them a geriatric exercise program, gave out soap and shampoo and reinforced proper hygiene as we cut the children’s fingernails. While playing games, we taught them the song “God is good to me” in their dialect. It was a wonderful day for all the community!

A little 9 year old girl named LetLet touched our hearts. During the activities for children, we noticed her at a distance staring intently with eyes so heavy and sad. The doctors asked us to prepare ourselves because a little girl needed special treatment. As we waited in a private curtained off area, LetLet was led in. She had been in an accident when she was 2 years old. Without any medical help, her body healed with disfiguration. She was hunched over and was barely able to stagger along because of the pressure placed on her thighs from her upper torso. Very apprehensively, she allowed us to reveal the pressure sore that has existed for over a year. It is amazing she was still alive! The huge sore covered both thighs all the way up to her genitals. She was in a lot of pain and the sores oozed with puss and had a horrific odour. At first she was so stiff and didn’t want us to touch her, but after talking and praying with her she started trusting that our intentions were good and that it was our desire to help her. We cleaned the area and removed the build up of puss. She showed immediate relief with a beautiful smile and was so happy to be able to stretch her legs. With no parents to be found, we asked a local health worker to clean the wound daily. We left them with the needed supplies, shared God’s Word and love with her and prayed for her. A week later when we did a follow up visit to her home we were shocked to see the condition in which she lived. Neglect is the only way to politely describe where and what she slept in. Despite her environment, she was smiling from ear to ear and was so happy that we came to visit her. We bathed her and cleaned the small remaining infected area. What a joy to see her walk with straight legs and to hear of her return to school! Later when we passed by the school we could hear the children singing the songs we taught them about God’s goodness and His love! The following day LetLet accompanied us to minister to a frightened little boy who suffered from seizures. God works in unique ways to fulfill His purposes!

LOCATION: Kaub Islet

Together with the Rural Health Unit, we traveled through mangroves and small islands before reaching the beautiful shores of Kaub. We were not prepared for the stark contrast of beauty and suffering that we were about to see. Here we ministered to over 80 villagers in much the same way as in Ezperanza. One very frail 9 yr old boy named Vincent came with bare feet and a very enlarged belly. He was severely malnourished and as hard as it is to believe, like many children, ate sand to stop the hunger pains!!! After a simple act of compassion such as cleaning wounds and providing vitamins, many little ones were clinging to us. They are starving physically and emotionally and it breaks our hearts that we are so limited in what we can do. Before leaving, we taught some parents how simple, yet effective hygiene, can prevent many of the diseases they encounter daily.

Home Fellowships embrace change

After much consideration and prayer, God has led us to take a step back from direct involvement and leadership over the 7 Home Fellowships that HIF pioneered. We have poured into these groups for the past 5 years. Villagers in these Home Fellowships have by God’s grace taken a stand for their faith despite persecutions and hardships. Though it is difficult for us to move on, we feel that we need to follow the example of Paul. Despite the concerns and trials he foresaw, he knew that true growth would only come in his absence. Instead of depending on him, the body needed to set their hope and confidence in the Lord alone. During the next 2 months we will be helping walk them through this transition.

The overall response of the members has been optimistic. One member testified that God is preparing her to step out and share her faith and God’s Word within the Home Fellowships. During one of her daily devotional times, God gave her the boldness to speak out what God imparted to her through His Word. As she read, she felt as though she was encouraging her brothers and sisters in the Lord. She was so excited to be doing it, and then she realized she was alone. It was the next day that we shared about our plan to take a step back and let them function as the body of Christ. In faith and joy she shared that she is ready and went on to encourage others that the time has come to go to the next level in their walk with the Lord.
Monthly our staff will join each group as well gather them for special events and seminars. Pray for wisdom. Pray that the Holy Spirit would continue to cover these groups. This new step has given us more time and energy to focus on Children and Youth Ministries. They are hungry for God’s Word and are thriving with our increased involvement in their lives. We glorify and lift His name on high as He leads us!!

Please continue to keep all these needs in prayer. Pray that God will give us wisdom and protection as we reach out to those facing hopeless and troubling circumstances. As always, pray that those we minister to not see us, but Jesus and the eternal Hope found in Him alone.

In the Lords hand
Derek Van Ryckeghem

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