Saturday, October 18, 2008

October Report

Hope for the Island family grows!

As I am sure all of you know by now, God has blessed Ben & Grace Cooney with a beautiful baby girl! Ben, Grace & Gabriella arrived home at Hope for the Island yesterday. Our staff excitedly held, kissed and loved on this precious little life. Continue to keep the Cooneys in prayer. Pray
for health and protection for mom and baby. Pray especially for a strong immune system to withstand sickness during the coming monsoon season.

Update shared by Maui Mission team (Sept 25 - Oct 9)

First, I am stoked to have been a part of the men of Hope 2008 trip...the journey from pretty much anywhere is far, but worth the patience... the boat ride will amaze almost anyone and then the "pole huts" right on the water where some live, look like something right out of "National Geographic" and when you get to Hope for the Island on the local feels amazed by the place and its beauty....then being greeted by Derek, Jenn, the kids and staff we felt very welcomed....almost every person you pass on the way to the Island smiles and waves, and that shows the peoples open hearts and love. We got there on a Sat. afternoon and basically dropped our gear in the beachfront cottage and set out to BayBay (nearby village) to hook up with the beach ministry where we shared testimony, played fun games with the youth and staff....we returned to the camp and the guys went for a surf / swim. The ocean water is warmer than Maui and soooo clear too...its great, then supper time... Choice Grinds (great food)!!!! Then almost everyone went to bed early but a few stayed up late, excited and maybe too much coffee....

The next morning was amazing because we face the East part of the Island so you can see the sunrise" if you are awake", light up the morning sky....just rising right out of the ocean. Everyone on the team either slept in, surfed or had their "quiet time"... the mornings for me were perfect to get up and seek God to be ready for His surprises. Then we all had breakfast and set up the day’s plans...who does what, where, when, etc... Our team consisted of 10 men. We planned and ran a summer sports camp each day for the youth... we had the honor of working with about 400 youth each day in the sports clinics. Each day we had great times of preaching or teaching with all the youth together.
For our team, no one was on their first "mission trip" but it would be a great intro place for anyone, a team of men, women, mixed and even youth groups can have a huge impact for God's Kingdom... its a great place to have a " retreat and mission trip all in one"...there are so many ways to serve God there!
One guy on our team taught art classes to the local kids, we had the honour of starting a Surfers Bible study with the local boys and the response was good. The need for women's ministry is great... children's ministry needs all many needs...all like Jesus said..." the fields are ripe for the Harvest..." "Go into all the World... making disciples of all Nations..."
One of our 10 guys decided to stay on with Hope for the see how he could serve God and the staff there... for the rest of us who returned to Maui and California we have been changed by God's
Spirit. We have a fresh desire to serve better in our local church, and "community" was created in our relationships with each other as we returned knowing each other better and loving each other more.... we feel strongly to keep in touch with "Hope" by sending down ministry tools, supplies, support and prayers!!!!! To sum it up this is a great place to get closer to God and to serve Him with

"Hope for the Island"...... ..... in His Name...Johnny Lynch.......

From Derek:

As sad as it was to say good-bye to the team, it wasn’t as difficult as previous times because we got to hold on to Jeremiah Weaver for an extra month! He felt that he wasn’t ready to go home yet (sounds familiar… that’s what happened to me 10 years ago!) With the heart of a missionary he is learning the language and building relationships. He continues to do Bible studies with the youth, helps in medical outreaches and gets his hands dirty repairing things and doing odd jobs around the compound. Rita Klassen from B.C. Canada also

joined our family for a one month mission trip. She arrived a few days before the team left. From day one she has taken initiative in reaching out to the local youth, teaching in discipleship classes, helping pray for patients and doing some much needed organizing in our library.

HIF office space – long time need fulfilled!

Construction started last week for a one story office with attached Medical Clinic/ Counselling room. Since Hope for the Island started 8 years ago we have attempted to organize all administrative works from right out of our small individual

Without question this has not been the best approach, however the extra funds never existed for any other

option. As the ministry has grown it has become a great struggle to maintain any organization using cardboard boxes to

file things and no centralized place for our leaders to work and meet. 0ur staff has patiently endured with smiling faces

and made the best of what we had. We are all excited for the answered prayer and funds that came in during our last

trip to the States and Canada. It has allowed us to move forward with this office. This is the first phase in the

proposed plan to construct preschool classrooms. On our website under Preschool Building Fundraiser the office is indicated on the front portion of the layout plan. The three classrooms will need to be built before June 2009. Please see write up for further info on this need. It is our desire to be good stewards with the funds and people God entrusts us with. With an office and proper classrooms we will be more efficient and effective in our ministry.

House Construction update

Progress continues on the house for our family! God has used many hands and hearts to make this possible for us. Jenn and the kids are so excited to see the rooms taking shape. Jenn's eyes fill with joy as she talks about plans for decorating and making the place a home. After 9 years of marriage, confined in small communal quarters, this is a welcomed blessing from God! Thank you again to all who saw this need for our family and took the initiative to support it. The budget needed to complete the first phase has been met. The foundation, rough walls, windows, doors and roof will be done soon! We however do not have the funds to make it liveable. We are at the stage where we need to look at buying the basic interior fixtures for kitchen, bathrooms, bedrooms and office. Jenn and I will be seeing Rita off the first week of November and plan to price out many of these needs while in Cebu city. Please keep this need in prayer! We trust God will meet the need as He always His way and time!

Love and blessings!
Derek Van Ryckeghem

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