Sunday, January 13, 2008

Update January 2008

Breakthrough in 2008!

With many scheduled Ministry Christmas celebrations, feeding programs and outreaches, Hope For The Island was very busy throughout December. As busy as we were during this season, our staff were able to take time to focus, reflect and thank God for all that He did this past year! Specifically we are thankful for the way in which He has brought us into new found depth in our relationship with Him and .others. With our hearts more connected to His and by learning to keep first things first in our walk with the Lord, those second things in our lives and ministries have been more blessed and fruitful! We also had time to evaluate our Ministries and make adjustment and changes for the coming year. Each one of our staff excitedly anticipates all that God has in store for our lives and the Ministries in 2008! As we continue to strive to bring glory to the name of Jesus, we feel that we will experience breakthrough this year like never before!

Emergency trip to Canada

Jenn recently made an emergency trip home to Canada to be with her Babcia (Grandma). She is 84 yrs and diagnosed with cancer in her pancreas. The doctors do not give her long to live. Please pray for Jenn and her family as well as the kids and I. I am Dad, Mom and everything in between. Pray that God will give me the ability and strength to juggle all the responsibilities for the one month that Jenn is gone.

A Bright shining light

Before Jenn left she wrote a story in her journal. Jenn writes, “For some time I have been leading a home fellowship in a community isolated from the rest of our village. This area was once known for the stronghold of witchcraft. In this group of 20 or so families there are none who are educated beyond elementary. It is a very poor and underdeveloped community. I was so encouraged by the growth and enthusiasm in one lady’s life. Arlene, a new Christian, faithfully attends each week. As we started preparing for our joint Christmas party for all 8 home fellowships, she volunteered to represent our group for scripture memorization. The following week she was excited when she arrived at our gathering. Arlene recited 25 verses in 1 minute and 30 seconds!! Seeing this new believer pull God’s word from her mind with clarity and boldness brought me to tears. Arlene went on to share with tears welling up in her eyes how God helped her to memorize His word. She wrote each scripture on paper and posted it in different places in her simple neepa hut. While she cooked or cleaned she would look to the wall and speak whatever scripture was posted before her. Most of her daylight hours were spent in the fields or doing odd jobs out of the home, so she had little time to study. With no electricity, this amazing woman memorized the 25 verses at night with a single candle in a dim lit room! Her commitment inspired each one of us and even encouraged her husband and daughter who as she said, “did well not to disturb her when they saw here lips silently moving!” Please continue to pray for her and others in our home fellowships as we disciple and mentor them.

Update on Mark Anthony!

(See Dec 19th & 25th update for his complete story and progress)
Our last few visits with Mark Anthony have been very encouraging! Despite the negative report the doctors were giving, he was not moved by it. In faith, he held close each scripture and encouragement I spoke to him. With joy he told me of the plans he had to assist Dinah in our Medical Mission Clinic when he got out of the hospital!
The glimmer of hope that I saw in his eyes during my previous visit with him, grew to a full confident faith in God’s healing over this disease!! He was seeing something no one around him saw. On my last visit with him and follow up visits from our staff, even the doctors had a very different outlook on his condition. Though they didn’t say he would recover, they did say he is showing signs of being on the way to recovery. His physical appearance is radically different, as are the changes to his liver. His liver was measured 67 when first admitted and is now 61. The decrease in swelling is very good!
The doctors feel that he is well enough to be released from the hospital. As I write this he is traveling back home to Siargao Island with our staff. He will be in need of monthly check ups, maintenance medicines, vitamins and proper nutrition. Since he is not living near to Hope For The Island, the follow through with doctor’s orders is a very real concern of ours. The momentum of efficient care needs to be continued. We also want to see that Mark Anthony be removed from the area where he was infected with this disease. The chance of re infection is very high. He would not survive if this parasite were to enter his body again. Please pray that God will give clear direction concerning where he can have the best chance of recovery. We are considering making room for him at Hope For The Island but need to pray and look at all options first.
Thank you to all who jumped on board through committed prayer and support to make help restore life to one of God’s precious children! We will keep you updated with progress in his health and housing.

Prayer requests
Please be praying for the YWAM School of Biblical Foundation and Missions team from Maui that is currently visiting us at HIF. They are here for one month to pour into our staff and get involved in the various ministries and outreaches.

Please pray for Mericar. She arrived Jan 9th and we are praying about her possible involvement as staff at HIF. We have been praying for God to lead an Elementary Education graduate our way for some time. She has a desire to work alongside HIF and teach Grade one in the Elementary School that HIF plans to start this coming school year! We will keep you posted with developments and additional prayer requests for the school.

If you have any questions please contact us at
Or you can contact Elaine or Brian Van Ryckeghem 204-694-6998 or

Hope For The Island is a non-profit charitable corporation in Canada. A tax deductible receipt will be given for any amount you may choose to contribute. The ministry is growing and the needs are many.

Your prayer and financial support is greatly needed and appreciated
All Financial Contributions will be receipted

If you would like to contribute to the ministries of Hope For The Island
Send your cheque or money order to:
Hope For The Island Ministries
94 James Carleton Drive
Winnipeg, Mb R2P 0T4

If you would like to support Derek and Jenn personally, please send a cheque or money order payable to:
To receive a tax deductible receipt their names cannot appear on the cheque but only on a separate note attached
P.O. Box 57100
2480 East Hastings Street
Vancouver, B.C. V5K 5G6

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