Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Mark Anthony Urgent Prayer Request UPDATE

Mark Anthony Urgent Prayer Request – Dec.25 Update

God gave Mark Anthony supernatural strength to make the grueling 1hr trip by rough road and the 4 ½ hr ferry ride to the hospital. We started this trip at 3am! Only days before he was unable to even walk a few steps because of the pain and fatigue.

At the hospital the Doctor couldn’t believe the domino of/countless problems that plague his body because of schistosomiasis . The ultrasound revealed severely damaged and enlarged internal organs. To top it off the X-ray exposed Tuberculosis in his lungs.

The Doctor made it very clear that Mark Anthony has no hope of recovering. I choose to believe God’s diagnosis of the situation. At Hope For The Island we believe God for a miracle! We are praying that His healing hand will reach in and restore all that the enemy has worked to destroy. I long to see this boy grow physically and spiritually to be a man after God’s own heart! All this is possible with God!

Even after a few days Mark Anthony is responding well to treatment. Life and color came to his face after his first blood transfusion. God has already started to provide some funds that enabled us to buy many of the medicines and supplies needed! God is faithful!

Throughout the entire admitting and examination process I was by Mark Anthony’s side. When I looked into his eyes I could see terror mixed with a glimmer of hope. Hope is not something most poor people have. When looking into the face of sickness and disease many suffer and die without the possibility of getting medical attention. Our concern and love was a foreign experience for Mark Anthony. God has used that to shine hope in his heart! During those first two days God formed a special bond between Mark Anthony and I. God gave me words to encourage and lift his spirit. We spent time praying and crying together. Each touch of affection was soaked up as a dry sponge would consume water.

Continue to pray for Mark Anthony to be healed! Pray also that the peace of God would surround him especially in a raw local hospital setting where suffering and death can be seen all around. Pray also for Jun who accompanied us to Surigao. I was able to share the gospel to him and he is very close to making a decision for the Lord. His wife is one of the ladies who received Jesus at Mark Anthony’s birthday.

Trusting by Faith,
Derek Van Ryckeghem

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