Wednesday, November 14, 2007

November Children's Ministry Blog

The lack of structure and discipline in most homes is evidenced by the unruly behavior of children who first attend our Kingdom Kid's Ministry (KKM). This challenge has tested the patience and commitment of our staff especially when dealing with large numbers. God's grace and strength have sustained us; filling our hearts with His love for these little ones. We praise God for the answers to prayer as we watch the transformation in their lives! Children are now showing more respectful behavior during ministry time and at home.
Some of these same children have now ministered to our staff and brought tears to their eyes. Each week ministry staff enter surrounding villages and are welcomed by children with wild flowers, home made cards and written letters telling of their love for them!

HIF is so proud of the many children who love to recite their memory verses during KKM. They have so much fun while they are learning God’s Word! Each week the children put energy and time into creating crafts with their favorite scriptures. It is so encouraging to walk through these communities and see their crafts glued to the door posts of their nipa hut. "Love the Lord you God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children...Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates." (Deuteronomy 6:5-9). It is evident which homes have children attending KKM. One of the Bible sharing groups started as a direct result of children encouraging their parents to attend!!
Children are powerfully influencing their homes and communities. HIF staff thank God for faithfully giving them wisdom, strength, love and patience. As these children mature and go on to the Youth Ministry, some have returned to volunteer with KKM!

HIF staff testimonies

Joan loves her ministry with the children. "My heart is so happy!" She is reminded of Colossians 3:23 "Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.

Cora says "I am so glad that God is working in the lives of all the children. They are exited and interested in their lessons. I am grateful for the changes I see."
Cora’s prayer requests -That each child (many whom are neglected by their fathers) experience the love of their Father in heaven.
-They will grow guided by the Holy Spirit to have fear and reverence for God.
-The seeds of God's Word we plant will penetrate their hearts and grow.

Divah loves teaching in the Preschool Ministry. She realizes that her job is important and has eternal significance. Aside from the academic part, she wants to teach them the love of God. She sees it as her job to help mold and train these children how to please God and how to glorify Him in their actions. "I cry at times as I realize the weight of the responsibility before me." Divah enjoys visiting the students in their home and reviewing their progress. Her prayer requests are for strength, patience, humility and creativity.

Grace is blessed as she listens to her students read and memorize Scripture. She has noticed that her students are more polite at school and with their family.
These children encourage their parents to attend Bible Sharing groups. Sometimes the parents and children are memorizing the same Bible verse! Grace prays for patience, wisdom and strength.

Jing recalls her previous lesson with the children about Sodom and Gomorrah. "They were listening attentively with tears in their eyes. At their young age the children comprehended the seriousness of sin and it's consequences."

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