Thursday, October 11, 2007

Youth Sports Camp

Hope For The Island – 2007 Youth Sports Camp

Nearing the end of our Sabbatical in Maui God set into motion the vision for a sports camp as an outreach to the community of young people surrounding Hope For The Island. It was through relationships that God established during our involvement at Hope Chapel in Maui that a mission team of 12 men came together with a heart to serve our Ministry. Within the last few weeks of our Sabbatical we met to discuss dates, expenses and what we hoped to accomplish through the camp. Our family left Maui trusting God to provide and work out all the final details. It was amazing to watch God bring things together on our end when we arrived in the Philippines. A big answer to prayer came when God gave us favor with the Department of Education.They gave approval for the 300 High School students to attend the 10 day camp! At the same time we were hearing praise reports from Maui testifying how God was providing all the necessary funds and supplies as their Sept 15 departure date got closer.

Looking back on the camp we are fascinated at how it all came together. God was glorified from beginning to end. We were blessed to see the Maui team go above and beyond the call. They came here with a commitment to serve and to share their lives with the youth. In spite of sickness and fatigue the guys pressed on with great attitudes shining the light of Christ to each youth. They were well received by the young people and relationships quickly formed.

Each team consisted of one Maui leader and two HIF staff. There were 5 teams and 5 stations offering basketball, volleyball, sand games, grass games and ocean games. Throughout each of the stations the youth memorized Scripture and were encouraged by the Word of God and by testimonies from the team. The camp ended with a 3 day competition, a choreographed presentation of team cheers and a big feast followed by awards. Outside of the scheduled camp activities, youth connected with the team around the camp fire, beaded necklaces and watched slideshows depicting the day’s activities. The highlight came when we were able to put into each hand their first hard cover Bible in the local dialect. To inspire each young person to start reading God's word we included a picture and a word of encouragement from the Maui team and HIF staff inside the front cover.

I accompanied the team to Manila to see them off. We began our journey by taking the jeepney at 3am. To our amazement there were youth that lined the road waving good bye with one hand and wiping tears with the other. In my last few hours with the team I was blessed to see them reflect on all that God had done both in the lives of the youth as well as in their own. Something powerful happens when we as God’s children respond to His call to reach out in obedience to serve, love and extend the compassion of Christ!

Please continue to pray for each one of the youth. Pray that the seeds that were planted will continue to bear fruit as we minister to them during our weekly youth ministry.

Derek Van Ryckeghem
Hope For The Island Director
Siargao Island, Philippines

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