Monday, September 24, 2007

Trip to Hope for the Island, Philippines

The following is shared by Rev Edson & Teresa Sanecki (Jenn’s parents) after visiting Hope For The Island

Trip to Hope for the Island, Burgos, Philippines

8 ½ hours to Tokyo, 4 hr. lay over and 4 hours to Manila had us arriving quite exhausted! Upon arriving in Manila at midnight, I was pleasantly surprised by the beautiful weather. Unlike my wife, this weather certainly agreed with me! I was also surprised that our hotel, the Mabuhay Manor, was so openly Christian. We found out that the staff has prayer meetings every morning before work and when we had breakfast in the dining room, they were playing beautiful praise and worship music! I wondered whether they could be that open in Canada?

Manila, with its 10+ million people, was an experience – so many people, so much ‘noise’ and picture more traffic minus the traffic rules and regulations! From Manila we left for Surigao City and were met by Jennifer, Derek and the grandchildren. This is where the Van Ryckeghems go to get things that they cannot get on their island of Siargao. There is only 1 traffic light in this city and, it seemed that that was the corner with the most congestion! The Philippines has its own traffic regulations – a horn beep can mean anything from ‘I’m moving into oncoming traffic’ to ‘I’m turning left now!’. We found out that if we ‘eyeballed’ the tri-cycle driver, it meant we gave him the right of way and if we didn’t look at him but just walked across the road, we had the right of way! Scary isn’t it? We also noticed religious symbols on almost all the tri-cycles and yet, this did not mean they knew the Lord. The religious symbols seemed to be like lucky charms. The Filipinos here seemed to have a lot of superstitious and idol worship.

After a 4 hour boat trip, we arrived at the port of Dapa, Siargao Island. Derek had the HIF multi cab parked at a friend’s home and we boarded for another 1 hour or so trip. The road was paved for awhile and then came the real, real, bump, bump, bump all the way down to HIF! The shocks on that cab need constant replacing! I was impressed as we traveled to the HIF compound, how many people recognized the multi cab and waved. What a favorable rapport Jenn and Derek have with the people!

We were greeted by all the workers at Hope for the Island – Ben, his wife Grace, Ding & Dong, Jomalyn, Jing, Cora, Dinah, her sister Divah, Joanne and friends of HIF who came to say hello to ‘Babcia’ & ‘Dziadzo’ (Polish for grandma & grandpa). We were touched by their excitement – they gave us garlands of flowers around our necks and a huge poster saying ‘welcome’! I was impressed with the guest house as I knew how hard it is to build on that island! Everyone works hard at keeping the foundation land tidy and it has a well kept look because it is lovingly looked after.

It wasn’t long before I was ‘put to work’ and was able to share from the Word at the many Bible Sharing groups that HIF have started. Each day there is one or 2 groups meeting in various areas of the island and HIF provides 2 or 3 workers to teach from the Word of God. Visiting Allegria, Pablacion 1, Garcia, Mia, just to name a few, was both uplifting and a learning experience for me as well. Each group had a different area of need and it was quite moving to see their hunger for God’s Word. The leaders from HIF are led by the Spirit to zero in on what is important for their group’s spiritual growth! Please continue to pray for them for, as you know, those on the ‘front lines’ are the ones Satan hits first!

Groups go out to 8 different areas to minister to children – Children’s Ministry is a viable ministry to those children out there! Please pray for them as they are always in need of Sunday School material, crafts, etc. in order to enhance their presentations of the Word to the children. The children still meet on Saturdays at HIF and I was moved to hear them singing Christian songs so joyfully, what exuberance!

The Youth meeting was also a moving experience Youth ages 13 and up – met for sports games and bible teaching during the day. Then, at 7:30 pm the school room was packed (on a Saturday night!.) and the worship started. I was ministered to by the moving of the Holy Spirit in among the youth. Truly these were days of refreshing for me and my wife.

Leaving HIF was a sad time, because our time there went so quickly. We enjoyed our children, the new friends that we made and our time of ministry. Realizing the needs that are at HFI, my desire is to be able to go as often as the Lord allows. I now know how to pray for our missionaries on the front lines.

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