Friday, September 7, 2007

Hope For The Island May 2007

Dear friends and family,

As good as it was to arrive back in Philippines after being away almost a year, the travel and transition back has been somewhat difficult. Choosing discounted travel options and traveling with a lot of cargo we paid the price! Our three flights including layovers took 27 hours. Traveling from Manila to Siargao Island, we had to take two boats, took a total of 37 hours. On Siargao Island we rented a jeepney and started the slow 1 and 1/2 hour journey over rough roads to the north where Hope for the Island staff and friends warmly welcomed us. How good it was to be home at last!We praise God for how well Makana and Brison traveled. They were so well behaved and pressed on even when Jenn and I wanted to keel over. They were very proud to tell everyone about the adventure of riding so many planes and boats. While traveling by jeepney through the interior of our island we could see Makana and Brison taking it all in. Though a whole year had passed memories came flooding back for Makana. Even though her ability to speak the language of Visayan had been lost she remembered her home! Brison on the other hand left at the age of 2 years old so he did not remember Hope for the Island or the staff as clearly. He has had some difficulty in adjusting because his memories and emotions are connected with his experiences and relationships made in Hawaii. There were even a few times that he said he wanted to go home and he would mention his friends and parks that we would take him to. Nearing the end of our first week they started renewing friendships and enjoyed exploring, climbing trees and once again catching crabs on the beach!We arrived just after the elections on the island. Elections are not handled in the same organized and peaceful manner that we enjoy in the West. It is a very tense and dangerous time. Political candidates use money to threaten and persuade people to vote for them. Our municipality was classified as the worse place for vote buying. Nearing the end of the election candidates were depleting all assets and buying votes for $200.00 USD. The one who wins does so by draining all savings and going into debt.The tragic result is that once in office all the funds they depleted to secure victory will be replenished by project and development funds given for the municipality. The amount that each individual received for their vote is not worth the 3 year term of suffering that lies ahead. To make matters worse those who did not vote for the new elected official are exposed publicly. They will lose their jobs and be excluded from any support that the government offers. Families and friends become enemies; fights break out and even death results from these corrupt elections. Pray with us that Hope for the Island will get an opportunity to respond to the many hurting and broken people. Pray that God will use us to extend compassion and mercy. That broken relationships will be restored and ultimately that people would find hope in Jesus!We will be meeting with our staff to discuss and evaluate the year that we were gone and to look ahead to the coming year. We are excited at the direction God is leading Hope for the Island. We anticipate a fresh vision and the anointing needed to advance God's Kingdom in our remote part of the world!We are also going to be preparing the site for building a mission house for our family! God provided land that is within walking distance of Hope for the Island. Pray that we will find a good water source and that we will be able to hook up electricity. It is in an area that both water and electricity may be difficult to access. Pray also for the outstanding amount of $25-30,000 USD needed for the building material. Please pray for the building team that God is organizing and sending in July. We are still in need of more skilled builders. If anyone is interested please email us at you and God bless!!!Derek Van Ryckeghem

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