Friday, September 7, 2007

Hope For The Island July 2007

We are excited about being back on the island. We have a fresh passion and desire to further develop the ministries God entrusted us with. We are so thankful for our staff who faithfully served day in and day out during our absence.Hope For The Island has undergone some very positive changes in the last month. We started by taking our guys and girls staff on two separate retreats. We sensed that all the staff needed a time to rest as well as a chance to communicate to us their joys and struggles from the past year. It felt great to once again worship, pray and minister to each other! As we reconnected spiritually and emotionally with our staff, we felt that they were ready to study a series that Jenn and I took on our Sabbatical. “New Hearts” by Vince & Lesa McClung ( our mentors in Maui). The purpose is to help uncover many of the lies and past hurts in our lives. When left unresolved they allow satan to create false identities that we can hold onto. These lies hinder us from breaking free into the true identity that we were created for. Ephesians 2:10 For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.This type of teaching that targets heart related issues is unheard of here on the Island. Each of our staff allowed the Holy Spirit to bring to the surface what needed to be dealt with. We thank God for the healing that has happened! We at Hope For The Island are on a road towards breakthrough. A Pastor friend of mine once said, “In order to see breakthrough happen around us we must first experience breakthrough within”. God is drawing us to a more intimate relationship with Him, which in turn is dramatically affecting our relationships with one another. From there it is overflowing through to the community!Hope for the Island rejoices that our goal for Pastor’s Fellowship Ministry has been realized. By God’s leading, HIF and the Pastors feel that it is time for these leaders to stand on their own. They have implemented plans that will prioritize the continuation of these monthly gatherings. It is a ministry that we initially started because of a burden to help restore unity and fellowship among Christian leaders on Siargao Island. Division once reigned and negatively impacted how Christ’s name was represented. Through persistence and prayer, the fruit of unity is now evident as leaders excitedly initiate meeting and working together! The past four years HIF has trained these Pastors using John Maxwell leadership training. They are now equipped to be more fruitful and effective leaders. I thank God that He allowed HIF to be a part of a ministry that in turn reached the body of Christ throughout the Island!Hope for the Island Foundational Learning Center (HIFLC), started a new year of classes in June!! Our preschool enrolled 34 students this year! Each year there is more excitement and anticipation from communities surrounding Hope For The Island. HIFLC earned respect and has a reputation as a high standard school that produces quality students. Each honor student in the public elementary school previously studied at HIFLC! We also thank God for giving us favor with the Department of Education. We were granted Accreditation and a permit to operate; a rarity in the provinces or rural areas. HIFLC is one of three schools in the entire island that meets the standard worthy of a permit. We give all glory to God for the influence and impact that this is making to advance His Kingdom and to break the cycle of poverty by instilling tangible hope in children.Please keep checking our new website for updates, prayer requests and new pictures. Click on Future Goals heading to see where God is leading our heart as we look ahead. Please continue to pray for the outstanding funds and skilled builders needed to help build a mission house for our family (Van Ryckeghem’s). We have had to push back our start date to mid August.We would love to hear from you and be praying specifically for your needs!God Bless!Derek Van Ryckeghem

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