Thursday, December 3, 2009


Mercy Ministry Update

Oct 09 Hope for the Island kicked off the Living Water project in three communities. These surrounding communities only have access to contaminated drinking water. This water causes dysentery, parasites, liver & kidney damage, skin diseases, stunted growth & in many cases premature death.

The SkyHydrant filtration system was donated to Hope for the Island through the efforts of Skyjuice & Solutions Network in Australia.

The SkyHydrant purifies water without the need for electric power or chemicals. It combines microfiltration for primary disinfection & particulate removal to produce a safe supply of clean drinking water. The filtration membrane removes suspended solids, bacteria, helminthes, protozoa as well as some viruses. We have mobilized Christian surfers that are active in Hope for the Island Ministries to serve their community by helping provide purified drinking water 4 times a week. This is a great opportunity for them to exercise their faith & to serve the needs of their own people!

Some stats…

1) The provision of safe drinking water remains one of the highest priorities of the international aid community according to World Health Organization (WHO).

2) With our bodies comprising of 60-70% of water, it is an essential & vital component to life.

3) Surigao del Norte (our province) is ranked the 5th poorest province based on government statistics for 2006.

4) Siargao has the highest number of underweight children less than 5 yrs of age. Malnutrition is devastating!

Jul 21 update we shared our excitement about starting a number of outreaches (2 water pumps & 3 community CR’s (toilets). These projects are now complete & operational in areas with the highest cases of the deadly water born Schistosomiasis disease. A local official has confirmed the positive impact a CR is having especially in light of the approaching rainy season

Toilets in these infected areas should dramatically control the spread of this disease. Continue to pray for many who heard the gospel on our outreach & follow up during the construction of these toilets. Pray also for those who positively responded to the gospel & accepted Christ! Hope for the Island will continue to do Mercy/ Medical outreaches in other villages. Pray for transformation physically & spiritually as God’s love goes forth! We rejoice over the two water pumps installed in Burgos & Bongdo.

We so easily take for granted readily available access to water in the West. People in these areas now have a working pump & water! Another pump is being installed in Concohoy where many have suffered during a long dry spell for the past few months. We were blessed to have New Hope Community Church from Florida support these projects. Editha represented the church & came here to be part of the groundbreaking in each area. Pray for the local government in these areas who also contributed & provided labor to see these projects through to completion. May God receive all glory & honor!


We have been waiting to become a Compassion partner. Compassion International has changed focus & will not be concentrating any efforts in our province as initially promised by their Philippine field office. We know God will continue to work & provide ways that Hope for the Island can be a voice of protection & care for the many children facing abuse, neglect & abandonment. God commissions us as a ministry to do this & we trust He will provide the means to do so!

Scholarship Funds Allocated since June 2007

Jessriel Alaba- graduated Apr 09 from a 2yr. Refrigeration & Air conditioning repair course.

Christina Espanto- Graduated Apr 09 from a 2yr. Computer Secretarial course

Rashel Ann Pomoy – Graduated Dec 08 from a course in Philosophy at Univ of Philippines

Jake Planillas – attending final semester of Criminology – Grad Apr 10

Mark Lennon Tulisana – attending 3rd yr Nursing.

Euren Espanto – took 1 semester of Bus. Admin. College closed.

Leilani Celeste – took 1yr Secretarial Course

This will bring an end to the commitment given by the sponsor to run this program. We thank God for providing the opportunity for these young people to be educated & pray for employment.

More on Agriculture

There are two very promising pieces of land that will be surveyed while we are in Canada to determine their exact size. The selling price we have been quoted is around 15 pesos per sq. meter. This is the best price we have found & these two lots are far superior for farming than others we have seen. While we are away there will be preparation done so that all is in order for our return. One of many things I have learned walking by faith on the mission field - never push anything ahead to fit our time & way! We will continue to allow God to draw us into that which fits His

plans in His timing. In the mean time TJ is finishing his internship & will return to Hope for the Island a week before we return from Canada. Jeremiah will also be preparing for what God will do!! He will be there to make sure all surveys being done are accurate ( part of third world living) We see God's hand in keeping Jeremiah at Hope for the Island as opposed to the farm while we are away. The majority of our staff is female & we value the presence of a man that will bring security & comfort to our girls.

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