Sunday, January 11, 2009

January News

Our heads were spinning by the end of December at Hope For The Island! It is a time of year that we prepare for far in advance. People that we regularly minister to from surrounding communities anticipate the programs we organize for Christmas. With the emphasis being on Christ we were able to obey His word by loving, caring and having compassion on the poor. It is not a festive time for all, especially when the effects of poverty suffocate so many around us. It is one of the few times of year that we enjoy being a part of seeing the people fill their bellies with good food. Because of the blessing of boxes that were shipped to HIF this year by churches, groups and individuals, we set aside many clothing items and gifts to be given out to children, youth, adults and the elderly.

A great part of this season was seeing our staff who work tirelessly and without complaint, enjoy a 13 day break to travel home to be with family. Jenn, the kids and I stayed to hold down the fort. It was not a time of rest or privacy as we had hoped for. Each day we had people coming asking for their Pinaskohan (Christmas gift). As is the custom, people will visit friends to sing carols in hopes of receiving a gift. Little did we expect the wave of people that would flow through our doors over Christmas. Each one left with something to eat and a small gift. It was a miracle that we had enough to give something to everyone. There were only one or two items left when the rush ended. It was a joy to see their smiles (many toothless) and meet a tangible need for those less fortunate than ourselves. Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive” Acts 20:35

Since our staff’s return we have spent a great deal of time praying and meeting about what God has in store for our Hope For The Island family and ministries as we face this New Year. We have had plenty of time to reflect on all that God had done throughout 2008. It was year of both trial and breakthrough. Through it all we grew closer to the Lord and one another and God in His grace and for His glory grew the ministry.

Finding ourselves almost midway through January there stirs within us a deeper longing and pull to draw nearer to the heart of God. There is a resolve in our Spirit to walk in brokenness and humility before God and one another. As we enter another year we encounter many faces of an enemy opposed to Jesus. Satan wants to immobilize people through fear, pride and religion, while Jesus humbly offers freedom and salvation through a relationship with Him. As we are real with our God we carry the life changing message of the Gospel through our lives to a land so desperately lost and without hope. It is only the life giving water of Jesus that can quench the thirst of this world John 4:14 “whoever drinks the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life

Each of us at Hope For The Island look forward to sharing this year with you. I invite you along for the journey. It will be a faith filled and led journey where we will seek to place ourselves into God’s plans and not try to squeeze Him into ours. Pray with us as we seek God’s direction. We will move where He says to move and halt where He says to halt.

Please especially pray for our staff members, who are on the front lines daily. Pray for God’s protection, provision and anointing to do the work He set out for us. We covet those prayers and support. Also keep in prayer the staff who God is already preparing to join us. There are short term teams and long term staff, who have responded in faith as Isaiah did when he said, “Here am I Lord send me” Stay tuned for an update in the next few weeks.

Blessings and New Year greeting from Hope For The Island!

Derek Van Ryckeghem

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