Tuesday, August 12, 2008

August Update from Dinah

It has been exciting and challenging to be part of God’s eternal plan in this time and season at Hope For The Island. Months ago, one of our leaders felt God calling us to “PREPARE.” It made no sense but we felt urgency in our hearts to draw near to the Lord. He wanted us to prepare in all aspects, individually and together as the body of Christ; commissioned to extend the love and hope of Christ to Siargao Island. God is sovereign
and His way is always best. Little did we know that persecution in the form of false accusations, trials, hurts and discouragement were to come as we continued to serve the people of this island.
God leads us to seek Him first and soak in His presence. As we seek His heart we see His hand move to fulfill His purpose. He developed our character as we lead others into a relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithfulness in the midst of trials brings breakthrough! As we refocused and followed God’s leading our
influence increased and changed from one or two areas to the whole island!

July 24 was our first Medical Mission in the neighboring municipality of
Bailan, Sta. Monica. Three of our staff headed upland on a rough road. We
were full of excitement as we transported four boxes of medicine and first aid
supplies. Hope For The Island along with coordinated efforts by the LGU
(local government unit), the Mayor and the Rural Health Unit ministered to
more than 110 patients in a 4 hour period. As is the custom in the Philippines,
in spite of their poverty, villagers of all ages met us with snacks and drinks.
Hugs and tears were in abundance as they realized the love of Christ for them
as individuals. We are looking forward to visiting them once a month to
follow up on those who were saved and to further spread the gospel. All the
glory and honor and praise belong to God! Please continue to pray for the
Municipality of Sapao, the leaders and the community of Bailan.

July 25-26 we did a two day Medical Mission at Halian an islet of the

Municipality of Del Carmen. Two staff loaded down with supplies had a rough
boat ride. There would not be another opportunity offered for medical care such
as this and the line of villagers continued from early morning until dark.

A local doctor working with us administered care to 170 patients. This included prayer for each patient followed by a medical check up, cleaning & dressing wounds, dental care, immunizations and pregnancy lectures. An organized time with the children drew 60 kids who participated in games, singing & dancing all centered in God’s Word. We
were so blessed and moved as we saw them respond to the message of God’s love for them. A 12 year old girl named Hazel really touched our heart. She was very thin, anemic and had 6 infected nodules on her neck and chest that were oozing pus. She was being cared for by a neighbor while her mother was on another island seeking medical attention for a younger brother, one of ten children in the family. It was scary to clean such ugly sores. What a difference it made to see them clean butvery red. We visited her again the next day. Please pray for complete healing. The doctor said it is a complication from a lung problem.

Youth ministry has been very exciting as we share from our personal experiences as staff. We are encouraging them to soak in and seek God’s presence. Many testified of their personal experience as they waited on God. Youth lying prostrate on the beach entered into a fresh encounter with God as they listened to the birds around them and the waves crashing in to shore.

As staff we have learned that He will truly refine each of us if we walk in Spirit lead obedience without knowing how it will look in the end. We continue to PREPARE in anticipation of what God will do through and in us in the future.


Pray for Derek, Jenn, Makana & Brison as they finish their time in Canada sharing about the ministries at Hope For The Island.

Pray for God’s protection and covering as persecution and trials continue to come against the ministry. Pray that we will remain steadfast in our calling and let God be our defender.

Dinah Espanto
HIF Leadership Team

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