Monday, March 17, 2008

March Update

Hope for the Island ART program!

Hope for the Island has a huge burden for the youth in the island that have no way to earn income even if they wanted to. After high school many go off to the big cities in hopes to find a better life and employment. The majority are not able to survive on the meager wages they get and end up on the streets squatting or going back to the island as a failure to the family. The ones that stay in the island become stand by (unemployed) and fall into the same sad and unproductive cycle of poverty. The youth go on to become men who get married and father many children. With no education or skills training they fall into hopelessness and despair. Most deal with their troubles by adding to them by gambling and drinking away the few pesos the family has. All the while their children are malnourished and cannot go to school because they are forced to help work for the next meal. As sad as this is, it is what we at Hope for the Island encounter daily.

We have been ministering weekly to the children and youth for many years. We do our best to set them on a right path spiritually, but at the end of the day many go home to little food and another large percentage have hopeless futures.

I see in each of these youth a lot of potential!! As young people they are very open to new ideas. They are not set in their ways or stuck in the rut yet. They know that the road ahead is not bright and given an opportunity to escape the grip of poverty they would jump at it. Filipino people are also very emotional people. They have a lot to say but never a platform to express their passions, anger, despair etc. That combined with the energy and creativity that youth have, I believe ART could be a great way for them to express themselves as well as bring the positive cultural aspects of this island to life.

God divinely crossed my path last month with the owner of a 5 star resort on Siargao. My time with him confirmed what I had already felt in my spirit. He went on to share how so many of his guests come to the island and are captivated by their experience. They all want to be able to take home something that captures the soul of Siargao and reflects their unique experience while visiting this island. Sad to say there is very little in terms of native art in the Philippines, unlike neighboring Asian countries where cultural arts are in abundance. Philippines is so influenced by the West that most of what tourists find is knock off American products.

Hope for the Island has taken the initiative by starting an Art Contest open to all between ages 10-30 years old. It is a cost effective way to get this vision moving forward and to expose potential talent. Though there will be a cash prize for 1st 2nd and 3rd place, the main purpose is to bring to the surface potential talent. Each one who has potential will be given an opportunity to be sponsored by Hope for the Island. God has put it in the heart of a gifted Artist from Hawaii to give of his time and talent by visiting Hope for the Island for the purpose of developing our up and coming artists! All materials, etc would be sponsored by Hope for the Island.

Once pieces of art are produced we would coordinate with the Resorts to display the art at the resorts for purpose of selling them. Another option that has been discussed is that the Resorts would offer tours to their guests and one stop would be to visit Hope for the Island gallery where all the art would be displayed and for sale.

There is already a market here with tourism growing in Siargao. There is also the potential of selling the art online. We excitingly anticipate what God is going to do through this. This very well could be a big open door that will help break the cycle and spirit of poverty that oppresses the people of our island. An even greater motivation is that youth will be drawn closer to the Lord and discover their God given purpose in life. Identity and confidence will be birthed in their hearts. They will be contributing to their families and society rather than being one more statistic! Our staff is very aware of the opportunities that will arise to disciple these young people in the process! PTL! We need you to join us in praying for this Art program. The awarding and picking potential talent will be on March 29.

Other prayers items:

With rainy season behind us we will start building the mission house for our family this April! The site has been cleared, electricity installed and permits prepared. This project will provide many local people with much needed work. Thank you for all who have donated funds thus far to help us with this project. Please continue to pray for the outstanding needs for material and labor costs.

As mentioned in February update, we are in need of constructing a new preschool building for our upcoming June school year. Check out the Preschool Building Fundraiser for more information.

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