Friday, September 7, 2007

Hope For The Island February 2007

What an exciting month we have had! We have been hosting a YWAM (Youth With a Mission) team from Maui for the last month. The team has been a huge blessing to us at HIF, as well as the people we minister to. They are a young, but mature group from the YWAM School of Biblical Foundations. All of the young people in this group have been on mission trips to Asia before.What a blessing to have them join with us in our ministries! We hosted a Youth Leadership Conference for all youth leaders on Siargao Island. Participants attended our three day seminar. Three weeks later we had a one night follow up seminar. We witnessed a big breakthrough with the leaders. We challenged them in many areas that would call for change in their lives and a deeper dependence on the Lord. We look forward to the fruit that will come to them personally and in turn their ministry.A few months ago we told you about a small barangay (village) called San Matteo. We first visited this small community with the Rural Health Unit and a provincial team that tests for parasites. We have now been given the opportunity to meet, counsel, give medicine to, and pray for villagers. This is an extremely impoverished, isolated, and sickly community. Please uphold this village in your prayers and continue to pray for our staff as we encounter situations such as these.About a year ago, Dinah prayed with an extremely sick woman named Marge. She was near death and was being rushed to the nearest hospital, 60 km away. Dinah didn’t know what happened to her until a few weeks ago. Dinah saw a man who reminded her that he was the husband of the sick woman she prayed for. He testified that she had been healed and said it was a miracle even though she had a long recovery. After hearing this, Dinah and two girls from the YWAM team traveled to San Matteo. While there, they visited the lady and other villagers. They shared the gospel and Marge accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior. The miracle of her recovery, witnessed by villagers, opened up an opportunity a few days later to minister to 50 children in San Matteo! Our staff, accompanied by the YWAM team, shared God’s word in activities, song and games. Most of the children eagerly accepted Jesus in prayer! Youth and adults were now gathering, giving us more opportunity to share the Word. We finished the day off with a basketball game between HIF/YWAM and the local guys. A regular ministry time is now planned for this village. Please be praying for this area. It is ripe for the gospel of Jesus Christ. Please include the village of Matinao, another impoverished and isolated village where we did a Medical Mission a few months ago. Follow up from these clinics are an open door for the gospel to be presented.Last week we also had two retired couples from Canada visit HIF. Bruce & Elaine and Laurence & Peggy had originally met at YWAM in Hawaii 10 years ago. Bruce & Elaine are from Winnipeg- It was great to see someone from home. They jumped right in, getting involved in the ministry and were a real inspiration to us.Derek, Jen and the kids are nearing the end of their Sabbatical. I know they are busy preparing to return to Siargao Island. Please be praying for them. Pray that the Lord will prepare them and provide for them.Our plan was that when Derek and his family return, Grace and I would go to visit my family, friends, and church in Winnipeg. We found out a few days ago that Grace’s travel visa was denied. We would love to visit my home. My family has not met my wife yet. Please pray that Grace and I will follow the Lord’s leading, and that we’ll be obedient to Him. Our situation is a strange one for Immigration Canada. We are missionaries living by faith with no guaranteed income. I know that there will be challenges. This is one of them. Please be praying for us.With His Love,Ben & Grace Cooney, and all the HIF family

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